Last night, January 14th, my twin sister watched Savannah for me so I could run to the store to pick up a card for Taylor. Our grocery store selection was unsurprisingly tiny! But I picked the best one they had... and this morning (January 15th) around 3AM I wrote in it to let him know I was thinking about him! When he got home a quarter to 4AM, I gave it to him. Let me tell you, I was expecting a big kiss & hug, but got a "awww, thank you. I always think about you too.." instead! :) Then we are our food from Jack in the Box and went to bed!


Today, January 14th, 2013, I thought about what I would do as a act of kindness for Taylor! I originally thought of making him a homemade breakfast, but Savannah woke up at 9AM and then went back to sleep at 10AM until 1P, so we all slept in (our daughter is kind of on his work schedule)! Anyway, while I was up with Savannah this morning I found as many pairs of boxers I could find (if you have ever lived with Taylor, you'd know how many pairs of boxers magically disappear!) to throw them & his work clothes in the washer and then dryer, then I went back to sleep! Then, I wanted to do more! I didn't feel like washing and drying his clothes was enough (even though he was thankful to have clean underwear of course lol), so I gave him a nice long back massage until he had to go to work! He loved it!! 

*Day 2 completed! I said nothing negative to Taylor and I did an unexpected gesture of kindness! It was a great day!*


Yesterday, January 12, 2014 is when I first attempted to start The 40 Day Love Dare! It wasn't as easy as I thought it would be, so I had to restart today! (Taylor has no idea I have started this dare.) I am so excited to see how our relationship will be in 40 days!

So, Taylor and I got out of bed today at 12:30pm. We didn't have much time together before he left for work. We paid bills online, ate Pizza Hut, and played with Savannah. He left for work at 2:30pm

*Dare completed! I did not say one negative thing to him!*

I decided to tell my mom about this. She is the only person I have told. She is so supportive and encouraging!! She helps bring out the best in me. I see what an amazing wife she is and I hope to become more like her.

Dare 1 of the 40 day Love Dare


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    January 2014



Bekah Mae